The end
of the school year is almost here. For many of us in the field of education,
this is a bittersweet time. Often we experience a mixture of sadness for the
year that has gone by, excitement for the upcoming summer break, and anxiety
about how to accomplish everything prior to the conclusion of the school year.
Add into the mix the mounting pressures of APPR, Common Core Standards
implementation, and state testing; it is no wonder that many of us are so
overloaded that we feel stressed.
In small increments, stress has a minimal impact on our well-being. However, stress over a prolonged period of time can have a pervasive negative effect on our health and job satisfaction. I researched teaching related stress in my study Special education teacher resiliency: What keeps teachers in the field? (Vernold, 2008). In my 2008 study I stated,
“Stress and the emotional and physical effects that accompany it, can manifest itself in a variety of ways. Individuals under stress often feel physically and emotionally drained. Workplace stress that is sustained over time can lead to job dissatisfaction and
burn-out” (p. 15).
In small increments, stress has a minimal impact on our well-being. However, stress over a prolonged period of time can have a pervasive negative effect on our health and job satisfaction. I researched teaching related stress in my study Special education teacher resiliency: What keeps teachers in the field? (Vernold, 2008). In my 2008 study I stated,
“Stress and the emotional and physical effects that accompany it, can manifest itself in a variety of ways. Individuals under stress often feel physically and emotionally drained. Workplace stress that is sustained over time can lead to job dissatisfaction and
burn-out” (p. 15).
Why are
job dissatisfaction and burn-out important issues? They
are important because burn-out and job dissatisfaction have a longstanding
history of being linked to higher rates of teacher attrition and illness
(Belcastro, 1982; Billingsley, 2004; Seidman & Zager, 1991). Given that a revolving door of new teachers and substitutes brings instability to a
school community, it is imperative that workplace stressors are acknowledged
and ways are sought out to minimize their negative impact on teachers’ health.
according to Bobek (2002), “The prevailing conditions associated with
teaching make it necessary for all teachers to be resilient,” (p. 202). Resiliency
is defined as the ability to bounce back, to cope, to adapt, and to develop
social competence despite adversity (Gordon, 1995; Henderson & Milstein,
2003; Linville, 1987; Vernold, 2008; Werner & Smith, 1982). Researchers,
who study teacher resiliency, examine the internal and external factors that allow individual teachers and/or groups of teachers to persevere when faced
with stress.
Several teacher resiliency studies conducted
by my colleagues and me at the University of North Carolina- Chapel
Hill sought to find out how teachers built and maintained their own
resiliency as well as how school administrators fostered resiliency building in their staff members (Malloy
& Allen, 2007; Roman-Oertwig, 2004; Vernold, 2008). Below you will find
several suggestions for preventing burn-out, increasing job satisfaction, and
building resiliency that I have generated based upon our research and my
Build Strong Support Networks
The Beatles got it right when they sang, “I get by with a little
help from my friends.” Think about it, don’t you feel better when you get
a little help from your friends? This goes without saying, but it is important
to note that having a strong network outside of school will allow you
the opportunity to share your concerns and solicit feedback in a low stakes
environment. People within your network can serve as confidants and problem
Early in my career a group of my friends and I would meet regularly
after work on Fridays for off campus “meetings.” These “meetings” took place at
a variety of locales, including but not limited to our homes and restaurants.
Our time together allowed us to talk about our job related stress and seek
solutions for our problem. We came away from our “meetings” feeling better not only
because we had the opportunity to vent but also because we had a game plan for
how to tackle our issues when we returned to work on Monday.
Seek Out Unofficial Mentors
It is not uncommon for new teachers to be given official mentors when they are hired. Each school and/or district has a different process of pairing mentors and mentees. Some of these pairing are wonderful and lead to enduring professional relationships. Others are not so great and may seem forced or artificial.
My first official mentor relationship could be described as the latter. It was very obvious from the start that my official mentor was not the best match for me. My mentor, although well meaning, was not able to give me the kind of support that I needed. This forced me to seek out unofficial mentors.
It is not uncommon for new teachers to be given official mentors when they are hired. Each school and/or district has a different process of pairing mentors and mentees. Some of these pairing are wonderful and lead to enduring professional relationships. Others are not so great and may seem forced or artificial.
My first official mentor relationship could be described as the latter. It was very obvious from the start that my official mentor was not the best match for me. My mentor, although well meaning, was not able to give me the kind of support that I needed. This forced me to seek out unofficial mentors.
Finding my unofficial mentors was not as daunting as you may think. I
did so by reflecting on my weaknesses, identifying the type of support that I needed, and
looking around for colleagues who seemed to have an aptitude in areas where I
was lacking. Many of the colleagues that I approached were open to becoming one of
my unofficial mentors because they were flattered that I noticed their
expertise. For example, my colleague Amy had an aptitude for organization
and scheduling, so she became my organization/schedule mentor. My teammate
Steve was amazing at classroom management, so he became my classroom management
Through the years, in all of the varying teaching and
administrative positions that I have held, I have continued to seek out unofficial
mentors. Recognizing that no one mentor can be an expert in everything has
opened me up to developing a wealth of other beneficial mentoring relationships.
These relationships have been invaluable and have helped me navigate my way through
a host of challenging situations.
Make Your Expectations Clear
In my 2008 study, many of the respondents reported that their greatest
challenges occurred when there was a mismatch between their expectations and
the behaviors/expectations of their students, students’ parents, colleagues,
and/or administrators. They shared their frustration with the amount of time
and effort that it took to “fix” issues that occurred due to this mismatch.
Many of the respondents indicated that making their expectations clear at the
beginning of the year helped to prevent issues from bubbling up later in the year.
As a principal, I had the opportunity to work with many phenomenal educators who were extremely proficient in making their expectations clear. These teachers utilized a variety of high and low-tech methods for communicating their expectations. Classroom newsletters, morning meetings, handbooks, behavior constitutions, blogs, websites, open house presentations are all great avenues for sharing your expectations with your students, students’ parents, colleagues, and administrators. Being clear about your expectations and communicating them effectively can go a long way in preventing future issues from rising and will eliminate the need to devote large amounts of time to issues later.
As a principal, I had the opportunity to work with many phenomenal educators who were extremely proficient in making their expectations clear. These teachers utilized a variety of high and low-tech methods for communicating their expectations. Classroom newsletters, morning meetings, handbooks, behavior constitutions, blogs, websites, open house presentations are all great avenues for sharing your expectations with your students, students’ parents, colleagues, and administrators. Being clear about your expectations and communicating them effectively can go a long way in preventing future issues from rising and will eliminate the need to devote large amounts of time to issues later.
Participate in Meaningfully Activities Outside of Your Classroom
Teaching can feel isolating at times, especially when you are
part of a small grade level team or the only one teaching at your grade level.
Often success in the classroom takes time and when achieved receives little to
no recognition. Although none of us went into education seeking fame, we
do appreciate feeling like our efforts are making a difference and our work is
Participating in meaningful activities outside of your classroom such
as those conducted by school/district committees, unions, professional
organizations, extracurricular clubs, professional development training
organizations, and institutions of higher education allow you to be connected
to a larger network of professionals with similar interests. It gives you the
opportunity to share your expertise, grow professionally, and potentially impact the world beyond your classroom.
in such activities has afforded me the opportunity to travel around the world
and learn from experts in and outside my discipline. I feel a greater
connection to my profession and have become more satisfied in my career because
I continue to grow as an educator and revitalize my teaching with new
techniques and resources. Through my previous and current work with various
professional organizations and unions, I have had the opportunity to educate
non-educators such as parents, journalists, and politicians about educational issues and dispel misconceptions that they have
about teachers and schools. This work has empowered me, given me purpose,
and made me feel as though I am having a positive impact beyond my classroom.
Toot Your Horn
At the beginning of my teaching career, I mistakenly thought that my principal,
school board, colleagues, and students’ parents knew all about the great things
that my students and I were doing in my classroom. I soon learned that the only
way people would know about the great things we were doing was if I shared our
success with them.
Contrary to what you may think, sharing your success in moderation
does not constitute bragging. Self-promotion is necessary in today’s political climate where there are people outside the field of
education who are lining up to speak poorly about teachers, administrators, and
students. By sharing, you are educating your community about all the
wonderful things that are happening in your classroom rather than letting the
public guess what you are doing or worse believe incorrect information.
When I was a classroom teacher, I made it a point to share at least one
classroom success story in each of my newsletters. I also made it a point to
send my supervisors and the PTA periodic emails highlighting the achievements
made in my class each month. When I attended community events, I
always sought out community members and told them all about the classroom
activities we were doing and gave them suggestions for how they could partner with
us to do even more. Many of my classroom volunteers, grants, and donations came
from conversations that I had with community members.
You will be amazed by how many people are willing to help once
they know what you are doing and what your needs are. Having additional support
and resources takes the burden off of you and allows you to do what you do
best, teach.
Make "You" Time
Many of us that go into the field of education do so because we want to help
others. We have what one of my former supervisors called “bleeding hearts.”
We care so much about others that we often neglect taking care of
ourselves. It is important to recognize that maintaining our health is crucial. If we don’t set and maintain boundaries to ensure that
we give ourselves some much deserved “me" time and refocus our attention on
meeting our own needs, we will wake up one day with nothing left to give
others. Meeting your own needs first, will allow you to give your best to everyone later.
Saying no, passing on an activity, or setting limits on the amount
of time that you devote to your job after hours is totally acceptable. I always think
of this concept in terms of the spiel that flight attendants give us when we
board a plane. They say, “In case of an unexpected landing, please secure your
oxygen mask first. Then you can tend to those around
you who need assistance.” Your “oxygen mask” may be exercising,
reading, working in your garden, spending time with your family, or taking a
hot bubble bath. It may be leaving work when it is still light outside, getting
a full night’s sleep, or making time to mediate. The key is finding what
works best for you and ensuring that you make ample time for it.
My “oxygen mask” is running. I am in my happy place when my feet are pounding
the pavement and I have the wind in my hair. My running time gives me the peace
that I need to prepare for my hectic workday. After a good run, my stress level
is decreased and the neurons in my brain seem to fire faster. I am at my
best when I make time for my running, and by being at my best, I can better meet
the demands of my job.
Cut Yourself Some Slack
Many teachers enter the field of education because they have excelled in school
and have a desire to help their students reach the same success. Such teachers
have high standards for themselves and are at times their own harshest critics.
Teachers who set high standards, but recognize that it is necessary to be
flexible at times, have been found to have greater job satisfaction than those who are inflexible.
Respondents in my 2008 study shared that they became frustrated when events
and/or issues derailed them from meeting the goals that they had set for
themselves. The respondents stated that being flexible and occasionally cutting
themselves slack was necessary for them to keep from burning out. They
indicated that although they felt having high standards was important,
reassessing their standards in response to the realities of their current
situation held even greater importance.
This is something that I must remind myself of daily. I know from personal
experience that the standards that I have for myself far exceed those set by
others. At times I have become so weighed down by my own self-imposed standards
that I felt like I was going to crack under the pressure. Stepping back,
reassessing my self-imposed standards, recognizing that they are just that,
self-imposed, and cutting myself some slack has helped me persevere in my
Please note that this list of suggestions is not exhaustive. It is merely a Reader’s
Digest version of some of the findings from my research and personal
experiences. I highly recommend that you seek out additional teacher resiliency
information and practice resiliency building activities in your personal and
professional life. Details about the studies mention in this paper can be found
in the following references section.
P.A. (1982) Burnout and its relationship to teachers’ somatic complaints and
illnesses. Psychological
Reports, 50, 1045-1046.
B.S. (2004). Promoting teacher quality and retention in special education
of Learning Disabilities, 37 (5), 370-6.
B.L. (2002). Teacher resiliency: A key to career longevity. Clearing
75 (4),202-5.
K.A. (1995). The self-concept and motivational patterns of resilient African
American high school
students. Journal of Black Psychology, 21, 239-255.
N. & Milstein, M. (2003). Resiliency in schools: Making it happen
students and
educators. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, INC.
P.W. (1987). Self-complexity as a cognitive buffer against stress-related
and depression. Journal
of Personality and Social Psychology, 52 (4), 663-76.
Malloy, W. W.,& Allen, T. (2007). Teacher retention in a teacher resiliency-building
Malloy, W. W.,& Allen, T. (2007). Teacher retention in a teacher resiliency-building
school. The Rural Educator, 28 (2), 19-27.
S (2004). Teacher Resilience and Job Satisfaction. Unpublished
doctoral dissertation, University of
North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
S.A. & Zager, J. (1991) A study of coping behaviors and teacher
burnout. Work
& Stress, 5
(3), 205-216.
E. L. (2008). Special education teacher resiliency: What keeps teachers
in the
field? (Doctoral
dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Digital Dissertations
Database. (UMI No. 3310973).
E.E., & Smith, R.S. (1982). Vulnerable and Invincible: A
longitudinal study of
Resilient children and youth. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Resilient children and youth. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Dr. Erica
Vernold Miller working on her own resiliency! Run ....Patty Cake.... Run!