
Announcement: Dr. Erica Vernold Miller Presenting at 2015 NYSAEYC Annual Conference

2015 New York State Association for the Education of Young Children
Annual Conference Information
Presentation Title: Looking Outside the Box: How Grants and Creative Partnerships Can Enhance Preschool Instruction
Date: Friday, April 10, 2015
Time: 7:00 am- 8:00 am
Location: Turning Stone Resort and Conference, Verona, NY
Room: Briar
Presenters: Dr. Erica Vernold Miller, Cazenovia College/Professor Patty Cake Consulting, L.L.C.
Dr. Heather Ferrara, Cazenovia College
Presentation Summary: Do you have a great instructional idea but struggle with how to fund and/or provide the labor to make your idea a reality? This workshop chronicles the evolution of one “great instructional idea” from the planning stages to its implementation and gives participants a roadmap for how to: 1) formulate an action plan 2) obtain funding, and 3) establish productive partnerships that will make their idea a reality.

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